Ather 450Apex™

It's the new law of motion. A breakthrough in how scooters ride. A revolution in how scooters look.

The new Warp+

Take off instantly. Our zero lag throttle-to-wheel response gives a whole new meaning to 'quick'.

Move at 100 km/h

Feels good to have a top speed like this. Feels even better when your ride is so composed, even at this speed.

Magic Twist

The world's first ever only-throttle ride is here. Speed up or slow down using the same throttle. More logical. More intuitive. More fun. # It's a new way of braking". A whole new way of riding.

Glossy outside. Frosted inside. The transparent panels reveal the chassis gradually to create that drama in motion.

The never-before 'Indium Blue' with a depth of red. Not matte. Not glossy. A rich satin-like feel. 450% original.

With a chassis like that, we couldn't help but show it out loud. Stark orange, that draws all the eyeballs.

10 years of firsts. 10 years of defying two wheeler norms. It's a 10-year special edition for a reason.